Monday, December 10, 2007

Today's the Day!

Today's the day for which we've all been waiting! The first day of mobilization! Yikes! Now just a year to get through. That's all, just a year. I've been known to say that I could handle anything for a year, so now it's time to put it into practice.

The good thing is that Mark is still around for a little while. He doesn't leave for Camp Atterbury until Thursday morning and then he comes back 10 days later. I handled 3 weeks, so 10 days will be nothing! Then I have 10 days of pure bliss, with no military duties of any sort! That will be a real treat! Actually, I can't imagine that they will leave him alone for all 10 days, but we'll see.

I know that this will be difficult to believe for those of you who have never had a spouse or loved one mobilize before, but I am relieved that this day has finally arrived! We've been leading up to it for so long that it felt like forever. Now the clock is ticking, which means there will be an end to this drama. (You will have to remind me of this in the middle sometime when I get depressed - there is an end in sight!)

I have to say that it has been a treat to spend time with people! Everyone is so supportive of us, that I know it will all work out and that I won't be entirely alone! As those of you who know me know, I am a private person, so it has been a stretch to open my house. And what a wonderful stretch it has been! Once I put aside my anxiety and decided to just enjoy the company, it was astounding! I really do have to remember that feeling when I just want to stay cooped up in my own space all by myself.


kelly barton art + design said...

hey girlie....i saw this on the news today. well i was painting in the hallway, and i kept thinking to go look to see if i saw you guys, but i was painting and i can't interupt the flow!

we are here if you need us!
hugs to you both

austrohoosier said...

kim, remember you are not in this alone as any of us are only a phone call away! never hesitate to call - day or night. ~ Jeff

Anonymous said...

kim....happy holidays, glad to hear mark will be home for a while. my mother had to see me leave for nam and i know how she prayed for me but remember "THY WILL BE DONE". whatever will be, will be. the future not ours to see. grant me the serenity to except the things i cannot change.
you will do fine, need anything just holler.