Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Intensity in Ten Cities

Little did I know when I said that this next 5 weeks of classes would be intense that it would be INTENSE. I'm coming across some challenges that seem insurmountable, but that I know will be overcome with prayer, persistence, and patience.

Last week started with a snow/ice storm that moved in Monday afternoon and school was closed Tuesday and Wednesday. The program I'm in is based on contact hours, not credit hours, so we have to make up the hours that the school was closed. I thought that we would be doing this as a class on Fridays to make up the time, like we did when the school was closed for Martin Luther King, Jr Day, but quickly found out that we are responsible to make up these hours on our own during the afternoon or night classes. I was not happy for a few hours, but soon accepted it and figured out how I was going to go about doing that. You see, this 5 weeks of classes, I'm already going to be missing 3 days of class when I go down to Georgia to visit Mark on his 4 day pass before they head overseas, so now I was responsible for 5 days to make up.

Yesterday afternoon I made up one of the snow days! Yay! Yesterday morning I woke up after an incredible weekend at a CRHP retreat at church with some drainage down my throat and a slight cough. This increased in intensity throughout the day yesterday and by the time I got home I was running a low grade fever. So, I called in to work, took some medicine and went to bed. But that didn't seem to do the trick, because this morning I woke up with that low grade fever lingering, feeling achy, and sneezing in addition to coughing. Fun, fun! Guess what? Another day of school missed (and this one was a double whammy because it was going to be a make up day for the other snow day). I'm trying not to despair, but it's very tempting. I have to keep reminding myself that it's worth the extra effort! Today, I've been sleeping and drinking lots of water! Tomorrow is another day!

I've also over-extended myself with responsibilities at church, and I'm not going to be able to facilitate a Why Catholic? group like I wanted. It's hard to ask for help when I do this to myself, but I have actually asked a couple of people in the group to see if they are felt led to take over this responsibility for me. I simply cannot be two places at once, and that is what is happening. It's a humbling position to be in.

The good thing is that it's getting closer to the time when Mark and I get to see each other! 10 days! Woohoo!

I want to thank those of you who read this blog and leave a comment. It is reassuring and helps more than you can ever know! Just to know that people are there knowing what I'm going through and encouraging me to keep going is an incredible help! I know that I'm not a super-blogger, and that is not the intent. But this is my way to talk about my thoughts and feelings in having Mark mobilized and my way to share with more people than I have time to e-mail individually. So when you leave a comment, it makes it a two way street, rather than a one way one. Thanks!!!


austrohoosier said...

I feel for you, Kim! Came down with whatever nasty cold/flu bug was going around out here on the 'Leftist Coast.' Of course it coincided with 2 wks of gorgeous weather - go figure.
My favorite parable from the NT explains how you can't remove a splinter from someone else's eye until you remove the plank from your own. Believe it pretty well sums up 'overcommitment' (...of which we're all guilty). Remember, in case of loss of cabin pressure, to put on your oxygen mask first so you can then assist others. Lots of love, Jeff

kelly barton art + design said...

you can do this kim! i know you can. i can't imagine how excited you are about seeing mark. give him a squeeze for me.

i love you guys!